
zigi kids club and cafe

chiang mai

Kid's Art Studio and cafe

 Watch the video and get to know us

Click on the WhatsApp button
to register or clarify details

Abaut this Project

This project is a proposed art studio, art therapy clinic, and creative kids' clubhouse.

It would provide a space for children to explore their creativity and express themselves through art.

The studio would offer classes and workshops in a variety of mediums,

and The clinic will offer individual art therapy sessions

to help the child deal with emotional and social issues they are experiencing.

Israeli Culture

Art is a great way for kids to express themselves, and it can also be a way for them to learn about their culture and heritage. If you're looking for an art studio that offers classes and activities specifically focused on Israeli culture, then you should check out the creative spirit house.

 Engage the minds and hearts

Content and enrichment combined with creation allows kids to take what they have learned from content and use it to create something new.

This class is designed to engage the minds and hearts of children in the exploration of science and art. Activities will include explorations of the natural world, understanding of physical science, engineering projects and experiments, and creative projects such as drawing, painting and sculpting. We will also learn about nutrition and explore the culinary arts through baking and cooking. Through these activities, students will gain a better understanding of the world around them and discover the power of creativity and problem solving.

Small groups

The activity is in small groups.

Each group will have children in a close age range.
similar abilities, passions and desires so that they receive the content that interests them in each class.

Class schedule

Where is this wonderful place ?

The studio and clinic are located

san phak wan, Hang-Dong, Chiang Mai

As part of the creative experience, I give free space to choose and experiment
Therefore, there is no limit to the creative materials.

The cost of the lesson is
500 baht
for a two hour lesson
including the materials.

register for the first class.

click on the
Who am I?

Atara Lilach Doron/ emotional therapist, art therapist, educator

Today I live in Chiang Mai.

For over 25 years I have been involved in education for the various ages,

in the development of lesson plans and educational work plans,

In therapeutic and emotional work with children.

Ran a kindergarten and was a kindergarten teacher in practice.

Ran a clinic for physical, energetic and mental treatments in Israel.

Managed, guided and took care of the creative spirit studio and clinic in Israel.


And today, after a longing of several years,

For the profession, for children,

for the language of art

and for the thrill and love of working with children.

And so I reopened Creative Spirit in Chiang Mai,

Adapted for children who are far from their home country,

experienced and underwent changes in their short lives,

and need listening, inclusion and company.

Some of the materials
and techniques
we will use:
For more works and experiences 
we went through
in zigi kids club & cafe

 Talk to me on WhatsApp

or line

נבנה באמצעות מערכת דפי הנחיתה של רב מסר
